Saturday 26 November 2011

Redgram transplanting

Redgram or pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) is popularly known as  tur  or  arahar in India. The crop requires
less water and also improves soil fertility. It fixes nearly 20 kg N/ha from the atmosphere into the soil. As estimated the potential and present yield of redgram in Bidar district are 2,700 kg/ha and 829
kg/ha respectively. To bridge this yield gap (1,871 kg/ha) Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bidar, organized farmers s c i e n t i s t s   i n t e r f a c e  me e t ,  wh e r e i n   p r o g r e s s i v e farmers and Krishi Vigyan Kendra scientists discussed various aspects to boost the yield levels in redgram. The idea of transplanting/dibbling technology finally emerged during these meetings. Process adopted to spread technology included training programmes, field days, exhibitions, radio and television programmes, print media etc. After
invention of transplanting/dibbling technology in redgram and constant effort made by KVK, Bidar, the
area of adoption under this technology in Bidar district and neighbouring districts has increased from
200 ha in 2007-08 to 4,000 ha in 2009-10. Total production and estimated value have gone up to 11,424 tonnes and  ` 5,483 lakh, respectively, during 2009-10. The average productivity of the improved
and traditional practices was 29.306 and 13.937 q/ha respectively. This gave an additional revenue of
` 43.96 crore in these three years. The economic scenario of the district has completely changed. Lot
o f   n e w   r e d g r a m   p r o c e s s i n g   u n i t s   a r e   b e i n g established in Bidar district, simultaneously creating employment opportunities. Recently redgram-growing farmers in the district started forming associations. They  are planning  to expor t  proces sed dal   to neighbouring states as well as abroad. Further, owing to this technology living standard of redgram-growing farmers is changing slowly in the pulse bowl of Karnataka.

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