Saturday 26 November 2011

Innovative technology for large-scale farming of pearlspot

A technology has been developed for easy propagation
of pearlspot ( Etroplus  suratensis) by breeding it under
controlled conditions.
Captive broodstocks from diverse genetic pools (from
Pulicat and Muttukadu in Tamil Nadu and Kumarakam
in Kerala) of the fish in cages were established at
Muttukadu Field Centre, and  an average of 1,200
juveniles could be obtained from a pair of parent fishes.
“Matsya Keralam” Scheme has taken up a massive

programme for farming brackishwater fishes on a large
scale; and due to this, demand for the quality pearlspot
fish juveniles has increased. Efforts are also being made
to promote pearlspot  fish culture in derelict inland
saline wetlands of Karnataka.

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