Saturday 26 November 2011

Sorghum hybrid CSH 16 cultivation in rice-fallows

 Five public and private sorghum hybrids—CSH 16,CSH 23, NSH 27, Kaveri 6363 and Sudama 333—were evaluated in rice-fallows under the zero-tillage during rabi 2010-11 on 10 hectares in farmers' fields  at
Nallapadu, Sripuram and Athrota villages of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Private hybrid Mahalaxmi
was used as a check; as it was commonly grown by farmers. After the harvest of kharif transplanted rice,
sorghum varieties were sown during 25-28 December 2010 under zero-tillage to utilize residual soil
moisture. Sowing was done manually in rows (40cm× 20cm) at 4-6-cm depth by making a hole with
wooden-stick and placing 3-5 seeds in each hole. In almost all demonstrations, for effective weed control, tank-mixed application of Paraquat + Atrazine (1.0+0.50 a.i. kg/ha) was done one day after sowing. No
fertilizer was applied at sowing.In the changing climate scenario, sorghum is emerging as a potential alternative food, feed, fodder and bio-energy crop. In the rice-fallows of the coastal Andhra Pradesh, sorghum cultivation is gaining popularity among farmers. It is now grown in more than 5,000 ha in rice-fallows with
an average productivity of 5.7 tonnes/ha, which is the highest in the country. CSH 23 (6.86 tonnes/ ha) yielded better than Mahalaxmi 296 (6.63 tonnes/ ha). The highest fodder yield was also recorded from CSH 16 (11.78 tonnes/ ha). Sorghum hybrid CSH 16 indicates huge potential for increasing sorghum productivity in rice-fallows.Among all the hybrids, CSH 16 (8.61 tonnes/ ha), followed by Kaveri 6363 (7.61 tonnes/ ha), Sudama 333 (7.11 tonnes/ ha), NSH 27 (7.04 tonnes/ ha)

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